Installing Eclipse Kepler on Ubuntu 13.10

I don't know an apt-get way to install the latest Eclipse Kepler for Java EE development.

So you just download the archive file and extract it somewhere. I also have Juno for OC4j development so I also created a "sub" shortcut, or as it's technicly known, a shortcut group within the one shortcut we'll create on the launcher. Basically, you can run your main eclipse environment just by clicking on a launcher icon, and you can also run another application just by right-clicking this icon, and choosing the application you configured.

on your ~/.local/share/applications directory, create a file and call it eclipse.desktop (Or whatever, AFAIK the name doesn't matter).

Put the following in it and change the paths respectively.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Java EE - Eclipse Kepler
Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 /home/mgelbana/Downloads/IDE/eclipse_kepler/eclipse
[Juno Shortcut Group]
Name=Java EE - Eclipse Juno

Save the file and drag it to the launcher. By clicking the new icon, you should have eclipse kepler started. By right-clicking the icon, you should see a sub-menu with an entry showing "Java EE - Eclipse Juno", from which you can pick to run eclipse juno.

You will notice 2 issues while using Eclipse:
  1. env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0: This is added before running both applications. This is to fixed a confirmed bug. There is no need to add to Juno's execution path.
  2. X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=Juno;: To direct the launcher to expect a group named Juno.
  3. [Juno Shortcut Group]: The definition of a shortcut group, Juno. "Shortcut Group" is mandatory (I guess !)
  4. Exec: To show the other application to run, instead of the main one defined at the beginning of the file.


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